Next week, many of Tamarack’s operations reopen for the summer season. Here’s an overview of scheduled operations for the summer.Seven Devils – Our flagship restaurant opens with both outdoor and indoor dining on Thursday, May 23. The outlet is open Monday-Friday from 4pm to close and Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to close. Fern & Feather – Our newest restaurant will be open for breakfast from 9am to 11am on Saturdays and Sundays beginning on May 25. Hot Shots / Sports Dome – Hot Shots Café and all of our retail and ticketing operations in the Sports Dome will be open daily from 9am to 5pm.Outdoor Pool – The outdoor pool at the Lodge at Osprey Meadows will reopen for daily operations beginning Saturday, May 25. Waterfront Cabana – The Waterfront Cabana on Lake Cascade will open for Saturday and Sunday operations beginning May 25. Seven-day-a-week operations will begin at the Cabana on Saturday, June 15. Reserve your boats online today.Hiking and XC Bike Trails – The meadows trails are now open with more trails becoming accessible as the snow melts.Rafting – The North Fork of the Payette River is raging! Rafting kicked off earlier this week with our Fill-A-Boat Special (more below) and we are taking reservations now.Ziplines – We plan to begin operations of our zipline course on Saturday, June 8. Reservations are now open.Bike Park – The bike park will open on Friday, June 14 and continue to operate on Saturdays and Sunday through September 15. The bike park will be closed for special events on June 16, 22 and 23.Questions? We’ve got answers!
Email | 208-325-1030
The spring is the best time for the finest whitewater and our best deal for excursions on the North Fork of the Payette River. From May 13 to June 8, 2019 you can reserve a boat and guide for just $349*. Fill your boat with up to 7 people or take a trip with just a few friends. It’s your choice, it’s your boat and it’s just $349 for up to 7 guests per vessel.
Fill-A-Boat reservations must be made via phone at 208-325-1030. Book your trip today.
Video Highlights | Trip Details | Email | 208-325-1030
* Fill-A-Boat special good on new reservations from May 13 to June 8, 2019. Cost per vessel is $349 plus
tax for groups from 1 to 7 people. Offer cannot be combined with other discounts, promotions or group
rates. Offer based on availability.
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